Reflective writing essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Leadership Development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Administration Development - Case Study Example ermed as the significant choice taken in the ongoing occasions and has been achieved in a constrained manner attributable to the organization execution and non palatable reactions from the benefit file. The worldwide patterns and the general decrease in the benefit because of it is another explanation that has realized such a move. The bigger states, for example, Russia and its general remaining in the worldwide monetary market had its effect on the Ford’s by and large execution prompting harder choices being made. Mr. Odell may have contributed on the auxiliary capacity and fortifying of the Ford’s presence in the worldwide advancements, anyway the space and setting of market catching despite everything wants to be held further so as to make the vast majority of the market potential. The exploratory work on the Mustang comes as a test that presently can't seem to be for all intents and purposes tried and decided with respect to its likely achievement. Mr. Farley has likewise got his work cut out through satisfying for the vacuum that is being made through the progression savvy retirement of the quantity of people who were for quite some time related with the organization. Supplanting the aptitude with generally equivalent and successfully capable people is a test that should be settled. Carrying Ford to the past top degree of achievement and high benefits is another test and objective that the two people must set before them so as to conquer the current difficulties. The activity pivot helps the initiative such that it permits the people working in an alternate situation, which means presentation to bigger space and thinking of improved exhibitions. Turn permits the representatives working with newness of psyche and evacuates the component of excess and weariness by over and over working in a comparative situation and comparative environmental factors. The effect of pivot can be either positive or negative for a given association. It very well may be sure in the event that it is dealt with appropriately as it advances profitability and brings along assorted variety in the reason
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business and Corporate Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business and Corporate Law - Assignment Example At long last, Speedway left themselves open to incredible obligation. Speedway’s advancement involved reward air miles being connected to being gathered through residential appointments. The ad expressed that any†¨customer who gathered 50000 miles could reclaim them for an online code for the †¨chance to win an extraordinary scope of prizes, which remembered things for Speedways administrations. †¨Further it said that: †¨Ã¢â‚¬ËœReach 50,000 extra miles and enter the online code for the opportunity to get †¨a winning affirmation email to Speedway’s head office and win the fabulous prize of an all costs paid round the world occasion. However, just for a restricted †¨time.’ †¨[100 words]†¨ This is the place the organization turned out badly. They made an offer that they expressed ‘any client who gathered 50,000 miles’ could recover them for an online code for the opportunity to win a scope of prizesâ€including the chance of getting a triumphant affirmation email to go to Speedway’s head office so as to get an all-costs paid ‘round the world’ occasion. Speedway ought to possess indicated the restricted energy for which the challenge was supported. This could have made their activity a lot simpler when individuals went to the Speedway base camp needing to guarantee their prizes. Along these lines, Speedway left themselves obligated. Jim Smith was riding the Net when he ran over Speedway’s Internet †¨advertisement. Quickly he began booking trips for his next occasions and subsequent to †¨collecting the reward air miles he sat tight for his email affirmation. While he was †¨waiting he crumples from the fervor at the possibility of winning an all costs †¨paid round the world outing. He was taken to emergency clinic. †¨[175 words] Speedway isn't at risk for the way that Jim crumbled â€Å"in excitement†over the possibility of winning an all-costs paid excursion around the globe. Fundamentally, it could be contended that his breakdown could have
Monday, August 10, 2020
The Origins of the Common Application A Brief Recap
The Origins of the Common Application A Brief Recap The Origins of The Common Application The Origins of The Common Application A long time ago (back when applicants had to â€" GASP! â€" hand-write their applications) in a land far, far away (upstate New York), some fine academic institutions decided to take pity on the cramping hands of college applicants by creating a standardized form to help students streamline the application process. This great work of organizational efficiency was called, wait for it, The Common Application. The Common App allowed students to plug their basic information, including family background, transcripts, and after-school activities, into an organized, easily photocopied format that could then be shipped off to schools across the country (we used to call that “technologyâ€!). The Common App now serves as the application platform of choice for over 500 colleges, including, we would bet, many of the institutions at which you are hoping to spend the next four years of your academic career. Technically, each individual college can decide whether or not it wants to assign the Common App essay to its students, but in our experience, most of them do. You will also have the option to submit the Common App essay to a school, even if its not required. Of course, in our eyes, this renders the essay non-optional (sorry folks!). If you have an opportunity to express yourself to admissions, especially in your own voice, TAKE IT! We encourage you to dig into the Common App essay before any other part of your application because it is often the longest and most creatively demanding of all of the admissions-related assignments. Since more colleges see the Common App’s personal statement than any other individual essay, this is where you want to unleash your very best ideas. Additionally, many colleges that don’t use the Common App (We’re looking at you, Georgetown, you rebel), often require essays that are quite similar in scope and subject to the Common App’s essay. In a nutshell, the Common Application is going to be a useful tool in the admissions process. About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Need help writing your Common App essay? We're here to help. GIVE US A RING »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Problems Associated With Climate Change - 1053 Words
1. What is this report about? It considers threats and impacts associated with climate change could be reduced and handled through mitigation and adaptation. The report evaluates resilience, choices, opportunities, constraints, needs, limits, as well as other features connected with adaptation. Climate change requires shifting probabilities of impacts that are varied with complicated interactions. A focus on danger, which will be not old in this report, complements other aspects of the report and supports decision. Societies and individuals may view or rate possible gains and hazards otherwise, given aims and varied values. All-inclusive evaluation has been eased by increased works across a more comprehensive group of issues and sectors, with increased coverage of the ocean, variation, as well as human systems. (IPCC, 2014) The findings in this report have greatly improved our knowledge of the range of decrease pathways accessible and their inherent economical, technological and institutional demands. The report thus requires the urgent attention of both policymakers as well as the public. (IPCC, 2014) 2. What climate change vulnerabilities are identified for your region? Climate change has mixed effects on farming and the effects are very different with regards to harvests, periods and areas. The transforming factors of climate have now been exerting unfavorable impacts that were powerful on Malaysian agriculture, which can be apprehended to result in shortages ofShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Global Climate Change957 Words  | 4 Pages If the issue of global climate change is not addressed properly, it will create enormous economic challenges that will create huge price tags on the global economy; that is why we need to give much attention by proposing international policy because it will bolster cooperation between countries and international organizations by formulating policies for the general good of society. Climate change plays a key role in our day to day activities. The changes in climate will affect our movement, healthRead MoreGlobal Health And Climate Change1525 Words  | 7 Pagesand one that poses the most danger is climate change . Climate change is a major global health issue that many of us do not understand, do not take seriously, nor do not consider to be a major health concern. The link between global health and climate change has been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a risk to the health of the population and is now classified as one of the greatest health risks of the 21st century (WHO, 2016). Climate change is not just a danger to the environmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Planet1089 Words  | 5 Pagesby now that the climate is changing. There will always be disputants for everything, but the only questions are what will be the overall effects on the planet, how these effects will impact the ability of man and all life on the planet to survive, and the speed at which these changes will occur. It can also be challenged as to how much of the change is naturally occurring and how much of the change is caused by the activity of man. It is difficult to achieve a ction on any problem that is perceivedRead MoreSummary Of The Dragons Of Inaction 1172 Words  | 5 PagesSummary of â€Å"The Dragons of Inaction†In the article, The Dragons of Inaction: Psychological Barriers That Limit Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption, Robert Gifford explores and elaborates upon the psychological mechanisms that impede proenvironmental behavior. Gifford introduces seven groups that encompass the 29 â€Å"dragons of inaction†. The seven groups include limited cognition, ideologies, social comparison, sunk costs, discredence, perceived risks, and limited behavior (Gifford, 2011). GiffordRead MoreRenewable Energy And Climate Change1477 Words  | 6 PagesRenewable Energy and Climate Change Global warming and climate change is one of the most pressing issues in the contemporary society given its continued impacts on human life and the world’s ecosystem. The considerable effects of this issue have raised huge concerns among policymakers, governments, and the public. As a result, various initiatives have been developed in attempts to lessen global warming or climate change, especially those related to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases toRead MoreClimate Change And Its Consequences Essay1504 Words  | 7 PagesClimate Change and Its Consequences for Humanity Climate Change is one of the most significant international problems of the XXI century on a planetary scale. The rapid growth of the overall dynamics of disasters is observed in recent decades and causes particular concerns. Climate change that is happening by natural means is accompanied by global warming caused by ill-conceived human activities. Climate change is not a simple increase of temperature. The term global climate change hasRead MoreEssay On No Right Way To Deny Climate Change975 Words  | 4 PagesNadia Karzouz English 111- 1W3 8 October 2017 No Right Way to Deny Climate Change: The History of Global Warming’s Politicization in The United States The North American Drought of 1988 marked the very first time global warming crossed over from scientists to mass media coverage. Following an American professor’s address to the Senate correlating abnormal weather to global warming, European nations addressed the issue, and many countries began to reduce greenhouse gas. The European Union ratifiedRead MorePlanning And Management Of Water Resources1443 Words  | 6 Pagessemi-arid basins already face water scarcity at the present, there are a number of factors that elevate the water shortage problem and will make the situation worse in the future. Some of the factors that may cause serious water stress in semi-arid basins are economic growth, rapidly increasing population, high agricultural water use, groundwater depletion, and climate change. Climate change is a top priority of these factors, which is expected to increase water scarcity and the frequency of extreme conditionsRead MoreClimate Change and Public Policy Essay examples1503 Words  | 7 Pagesincreasingly certain that climate change will have severe adverse effects on the environment in years to come. Addressing this issue poses a serious challenge for policy makers. How we choose to respond to the threat of global warming is not simply a political issue. It is also an economic issue and an ethical one. Responsible, effective climate change policy requires consideration of a number of complex factors, including weighing the costs of implementing climate change policies against the benefitsRead MoreWhat Are The Risks Of Climate Change And Global Warming?1518 Words  | 7 Pagesrisks of climate change and global warming? Climate change has been a pertinent issue in the media as of the past decade. With much debate on its severity, some simply believe that it is the result of alternating weather patterns. Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that global warming â€Å"has been driven by human activity,†continuing on to say that its existence is â€Å"unequivocal†(sciencemag). As most scientific research suggests, it is evident that climate change is negatively
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of A Immune Deficiency Syndrome (...
In the lates 1970s, early 1980s, doctors from New York and San Francisco started to treat an increasing number of male patients affected from mysterious infections. Most of these patients deteriorated at a rate never seen before, dying without responding satisfactorily to any know treatment. In 1982, the CDC uses the term Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) to circumscribe the new and deadly disease. Soon, those four capital letters flooded the American media, invoking fear in many, and compassion in those whom where suffering the lost of a close friend or family member. By the 1990s, without a cure, and effective symptomatic treatment, or other prevention method besides condoms, AIDS became the number one cause of death among†¦show more content†¦Truvada is an effective way to prevent HIV, around the one revolves some controversy and specially, a lot of ignorance. Truvada is not a new medication in the HIV’s battlefield. Actually, the pill, wish is â€Å"a combination of the drugs Viread and Emtriva†3, it is been around since 2004 as an element of therapy for persons living with HIV. In junction with others drugs, Truvada it is been very satisfactory managing the illness development. As a prophylactic measure, â€Å"Truvada’s safety and efficacy for PrEP were demonstrated in two large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. The iPrEx trial evaluated Truvada in 2,499 HIV-negative men or transgender women who have sex with men and with evidence of high risk behavior for HIV infection, such as inconsistent or no condom use during sex with a partner of positive or unknown HIV status, a high number of sex partners, and exchange of sex for commodities. Results showed Truvada was effective in reducing the risk of HIV infection by 42 percent compared with placebo in this population. Efficacy was strongly c orrelated with drug adherence in this trial†4. Truvada works in the following way: â€Å"interfere with an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which is used by HIV-infected cells to make new viruses. Since Truvada inhibits, or reduces the activity of this enzyme, this drug causes HIV-infected cells to slow down or stop
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cause and Effect of Games Addiction Free Essays
Topic: Cause and Effect of online game addiction There are many reasons people play games: for their entertainment, relaxation, studying and burning free time. Game is a part of human creativity, it keeps people entertained, creative, figure out what to do or better at problem solving. The game can include friends so people will play together or against each other and become competitive. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause and Effect of Games Addiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other than the benefits from playing online games, there are also problems from online games. Two main causes of this addiction is the design and service of the games and the effect is that people have less time. Online game addiction is a problem. The first cause of game online addiction is the design of game. Game designers make characters’ look and act like humans. Thus player is easily manipulated and they can play it by themself without anyone else. Characters have clothes, hairs, body like humans for example. When player click left-mouse they stand and another mouse they go at moment. Something people feel this action like they are going and doing. It is really real to see and they are interested with drag their mouse . The pictures are beautiful, natural, and it looks real making the game more fun. The background pictures are many colors, flowers, water, gardens, trees, 3D of style for example. There are many tools and support players which makes the game exciting. This is like that there is a map load when people want to finish their task. Pop-up windows show up when people use their character to trade items with others and act everything with one option. Another cause is the service of the game. Player can exchange items easily and view all traditional items in the screen. Therefore they can save it in the store or take it out of the game. Players keep characters in their account for the next time they will play. Thus game services attract people to upgrade level of character. There more exercise, the better the character will be compared to others. For example if people saw their character less level than their friends they feel shy and spend more time to play online games for winning in the future. Players can get virtual money in the virtual world. They can buy something in game by this money or put real money into game system. So game provider sells account cards for player check and save money or use it in the virtual world. Many players spend a lot of time to playing online game and have too little time to exercise and study. As a result Children get bad grades, fail their exam and don’t help anything about housework for their mother. In addition, players are bad at communicating in real life because it is they can easily talk in the game and they not only act in the play but also send message for others. Player can get sick because they play too much, which means they do not get enough rest and see the computer screen a lot. Some people play action games or violent game that have a lot of strategy to kill so they act the same way in real life. Online game addiction is a serious problem for everyone. There are benefits, but there are also problems. When players play every day, they will get addicted to online games. The design and services of the games are the reasons people get addicted, and there are negative impacts to people. I think people need to talk about children playing too many games. It is acceptable to play games, however people have to limit the time. Players should spend enough time for both games and their real lives. Thus the life is balanced, healthy and useful. How to cite Cause and Effect of Games Addiction, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Online Reflections & Activities for Culture- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theOnline Reflections Activities for Culture. Answer: Culture Personal learning- The week has helped me understand that there are differences in different cultures across the globe based on different community, different languages and even the different skin colours (Fullan 2014). I was initially jealous of ethnic people in my university campus; however, now I understood that I should respect people of irrespective of community. Learning for others- The teaching materials in the week have supplied some important information to the people across the globe. It educates on the different cultures that exist in the world. It also encourages for being courteous with the different cultures such as the ethnic groups at the different social gathering places. Culture Identity Personal learning- The materials covered in week 2 have helped me understand that there are different communities such as black while people, indigenous people that exist in this globe. It made me realised that I am studying with people from different cultures in my university. This encouraged me to respect the different community that exist there (Cote and Levine 2014). Learning for others- The materials covered in the week educate the entire world on the different community that exist across the globe. The teachings encourage respecting the others as they are also human beings. Moreover, respect should not know any obstacle such as community differences when it matters the most. Discourse Power knowledge Personal learning- The week has helped me learn a new world, which can be created through the use of power and knowledge. Power and knowledge can help to find something new that has never been thought before. It made me understood that discourse is related to a new finding, which can or cannot be an established fact. Learning for others- The materials have stated that discourse is conducted based on power and knowledge (Van Dijk 2015). It teaches on the importance of new findings, which means that established facts are not always sufficient. It also teaches the world the importance of discourse, which gives importance to new finding. Theorising whiteness Personal learning- The week has corrected me in my thoughts about the racist activities hidden in colour wars. I came to know that while feminist should never have hatred for the black and other colours. This is racism and it would never let this happen that female is the future. White feminism is misunderstood (Hook 2012). Learning for others- The week has supplied important information for the people living across the globe. It has held white feminism as one of the root causes behind the racist activities. White feminism should be correctly understood in order to let the society understand the importance of women for a brighter society. whiteness, identity, racism Personal learning- The week has helped me understand that there are different cultures across the globe based on colours, culture and self-desire. The materials have helped me understand that the skin colours do only represent the different community; however, the different communities need to be respected irrespective of their colours and love. Learning for others- The assessment does prove that colour war should be implemented. It further states that different colours have their equal rights in society. The inequality should never be considered (Case 2012). The module has identified three important factors of conflicts such as white colour, racism and identity in societies across the globe. Indigenous Australia Personal learning- The week has helped me understand the indigenous people in Australia. Earlier, I had no clues about such people. I got to know that Indigenous Australian are those who are the migrants descended from the different parts of Australia such as Torres Strait Islanders and all other parts of Australia (Boyle et al. 2012). Learning for others- Indigenous people are still viewed with hatred feelings from the aborigine people in Australia. However, the materials covered in week educate on the indigenous people. It also emphasise on respecting those people. It commands that there should not be any difference based on country of origin. Multicultural Australia Immigration Personal learning- The week has educated me on a fact that Australia is a country that has people from different cultures. It also helped me know that there are differences in food cultures also. It has also helped me know that Australia has a high diverse population representing the different cultures (Phillips and Spinks 2013). Learning for others- The week is educative to many who are all from the different parts of world. It tells them the fact of Australian culture, which is represented by many such as aborigine people, indigenous people and the other descendents. It is a multicultural society where different group exist. Multicultural Australia Policy, Practice Current Issues Personal learning- The materials covered in this week have helped me on the multiculturalism policy implemented in Australia. The policy is for the migrants from the different parts of world. The policy is losing on its effectiveness as many migrants are now heading to the other parts of world. Learning for others- The policy that once served the purpose of different cultures in Australia is now seeking for an answer to the question that whether the policy should also govern those migrating to other parts of the world. It has now become challenging to govern the migration to other parts of world (Fozdar and Hartley 2013). Gender Feminism Personal learning- The learning covered in this week has educated me on feminism and gender. I got to know that feminism is a collection of political social movements and ideologies that are common to each other in defining the rights of women. It has made me understood that it is a debatable topic (Eagly et al. 2012). Learning for others- The materials covered in week educate the world that there should not be any discrimination doe with the women. They should be given the rights, which they deserve. Moreover, there should never be a discrimination based on feminism. Equality in rights has been preached here. Sexuality Personal learning- The week has educated me on the trauma that once started in the early 1980s. I got to know that gay and bisexual people, heterosexual women and men from different parts of world such as Northern Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were highly influenced of the trauma (Weeks 2014). Learning for others- The week has spoken about such people in the early 1980s and their connectivity with the AIDS. In those years people had frequently infected of AIDS. It reinstated that a lack of research was also responsible for such a huge number of people getting infected of AIDS. Class Personal learning- The week has helped me learn that there exists classification based on different sex, social status and religion. The world is full of societies where differences in classification are observed in terms of sex, religion and society. It further emphasises on a fact that there should be equality to avoid any discrimination (Andersen and Collins 2015). Learning for others- It has covered some educative materials for people living across the globe. The world has societies where classification is done based on colours, sex, religion and social status. Therefore, it is necessary that people across the globe understand the act and respects each other. Intersectionality Assemblages Personal learning- The week has helped me understand that Intersectionality helps in handling and managing the complexity of social life. It also helped me know that Assemblages provide a framework to resolve the social complexities of the different societies that exist across the globe (Puar 2012). Learning for others- There are people that take care of the critical aspects of someones life either professionally or through any other possible mean. There are different levels of complexities in different societies across the globe. The framework provided by Assemblages did provide solutions against the different societal complexities. References Andersen, M. and Collins, P.H., 2015.Race, class, gender: An anthology. Nelson Education. Boyle, J.A., Cunningham, J., ODea, K., Dunbar, T. and Norman, R.J., 2012. Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in a sample of Indigenous women in Darwin, Australia.Med J Aust,196(1), pp.62-66. Case, K.A., 2012. Discovering the privilege of whiteness: White women's reflections on anti?racist identity and ally behavior.Journal of Social Issues,68(1), pp.78-96. Cote, J.E. and Levine, C.G., 2014.Identity, formation, agency, and culture: A social psychological synthesis. Psychology Press. Eagly, A.H., Eaton, A., Rose, S.M., Riger, S. and McHugh, M.C., 2012. Feminism and psychology: analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender.American Psychologist,67(3), p.211. Fozdar, F. and Hartley, L., 2013. Refugee resettlement in Australia: What we know and need to know.Refugee Survey Quarterly,32(3), pp.23-51. Fullan, M., 2014.Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley Sons. Hook, G., 2012. Towards a decolonising pedagogy: Understanding Australian Indigenous studies through critical whiteness theory and film pedagogy.The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education,41(2), pp.110-119. Phillips, J. and Spinks, H., 2013. Immigration detention in Australia.Parliamentary Library,20. Puar, J.K., 2012. " I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess": Becoming-Intersectional in Assemblage Theory.PhiloSOPHIA,2(1), pp.49-66. Van Dijk, T.A., 2015. Critical discourse studies: A sociocognitive approach.2015). Methods of Critical Discourse Studies, pp.63-74. Weeks, J., 2014.Sex, politics and society: The regulations of sexuality since 1800. Routledge.
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